

UXCam Android SDK Installation & Quick Start

pod version

Follow the instructions below for the integration using either Java or Kotlin.


Minimum Android Requirements:

  • minSdk 21
  • compileSdk 33
  • Gradle 7.5
  • Kotlin Plugin 1.7.0

SDK Integration



It's important to make sure your project is using a kotlin plugin version 1.7.0 or above to avoid any build failures after adding the package from SDK version 3.6.1 onwards.

For versions 3.6.5 and beyond: It is required to have a minimum compileSDK version of 33 to support the latest SDKs.


  1. In the module's build.gradle file add UXCam:

    repositories {
         url '' 
    dependencies { 
         implementation 'com.uxcam:uxcam:3.6.30' 
  1. In every activity that you'll be using UXCam, add

    import com.uxcam.UXCam;
  2. In your launcher activity, add as well:

    import com.uxcam.datamodel.UXConfig;
  3. First, you need to create a configuration object with desired settings and then start UXCam using this configuration object:

UXConfig config = new UXConfig.Builder("yourAppKey")

val config = UXConfig.Builder("yourAppKey")

  1. Start UXCam inside onCreate method. Your App-key is available from UXCam dashboard.


This will complete the integration process.
Your session will be shown on the dashboard within a few seconds after the app goes in the background.

You can optionally use the API's for customisation such as identifying users from your database with UXCam, tag screens or hiding sensitive views.

Available Configuration Options:

enableAutomaticScreenNameTagging(boolean enable)

Set as false to disable automatic screen tagging if manual tagging of the screens will be done. Default status is true

enableMultiSessionRecord(boolean enable)

UXCam will automatically record a session if the application is returning from the background. In case you DON'T want to do it, you can call this method and call it as false.

enableCrashHandling(boolean enable)

Crash handling is enabled by default, to let you capture all the sessions with crashes and see the corresponding crash logs.


SDK Updates

To check all the information on the fixes and improvements on the latest versions of the SDK, please visit this page.

Video Tutorial

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