Sensitive Data Occlusion In Xamarin / MAUI Apps
In this section, we focus on how to handle sensitive data within your Xamarin application using UXCam’s features to ensure privacy compliance. It is essential to occlude sensitive information to protect user data like passwords, credit card numbers, or any other Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
UXCam ensures that as a controller, you can use our platform and fulfill your obligations under GDPR. However, if you collect any PII data in your app, such as email address, phone, or credit card number, you should use our API to hide it.
You can choose to hide:
- Texts: When you only collect PII data with text fields.
- Screen Views: When you need to hide a specific section of your screen.
- Screens: When you need to hide the whole screen, e.g., payment screens.
Sensitive information will be hidden under red boxes or blurred screens on the device before rendering the video and therefore never sent to UXCam. Make sure that all this information is hidden before releasing your app to production to ensure your users’ PII is never recorded.
Note: When hiding sensitive information, you still have the option to record gestures for that view or screen. However, if you’re hiding passwords or other sensitive inputs, we recommend also disabling gesture recording.
Are There Any Elements Occluded Right Out of the Box?
- Occlusion of text fields based on the
property. If the text field has any ofpassword
, oronetimecode
, it will be occluded by default, regardless of if it’s shown at some point in the app.
- Password fields with
are occluded.
Add Occlusions Directly From Your Dashboard
You can now add occlusion rules to your app directly from your dashboard. Simply go into your app's settings in your dashboard and enable the rules you need. Below is a breakdown of how to take full advantage of this feature without having to add additional code in your app for most scenarios:
Occlude All Screens from Dashboard
From your app's settings in the UXCam dashboard, you'll see the video recording privacy section. From there, you'll see the first option to either record, occlude, or blur all screens in your app.
Screen Specific Occlusion Rules from Dashboard
You can also customize which screens you want to apply occlusion rules to and create multiple rules. For example, you may blur a particular screen but occlude others:
Occlude Text Input Fields from Dashboard
You can also choose to occlude all text input fields on specific or multiple screens by simply checking the option and selecting the screens you'd like to occlude the text inputs in:
Additionally, you can opt to record gestures on all blurred/occluded screens by toggling on the option:
Dashboard Occlusion Limitations
Occlusion Priority
- Screen-specific overlay from Dashboard.
- Screen-specific blur from Dashboard.
- Global blur/overlay from Dashboard applied to all screens.
- Screen-specific overlay from SDK.
- Screen-specific blur from SDK.
- Global blur/overlay from SDK applied to all screens.
- Global blur/overlay from SDK with record exception screens.
- Hiding sensitive Views needs to be handled from code (see here).
Occlusion Setup from SDK Code
If you prefer to manually handle occlusions in your Xamarin app or occlude specific views instead of entire screens, read below for guidance on how to set it up.
Occlude The Entire Screen with Overlay
You can configure different overlay options with the following:
// Xamarin Example - Apply Overlay
UXCamOverlaySetting overlay = new UXCamOverlaySetting (UIColor.Yellow);
UXCam.applyOcclusion(overlay); // Apply overlay
UXCam.removeOcclusion(overlay); // Remove overlay
Blur The Entire Screen
Blur is a new occlusion API that allows you to blur screen recordings. This lets you obtain information regarding the state of the screen and user interaction while maintaining privacy on sensitive screens.
// Xamarin Example - Apply Blur
UXCamBlurSetting blur = new UXCamBlurSetting (10);
UXCam.applyOcclusion(blur); // Apply blur
UXCam.removeOcclusion(blur); // Remove blur
Available Blur Options Are:
blurRadius(int blurRadius)
: Define the blur radius to be used. The higher the value, the more blurred the resulting video will be.withoutGesture(boolean withoutGesture) || hideGestures(boolean hideGestures)
: Configure whether to capture gestures in the occluded screen or not. Default is true, so gestures are not captured.screens(List<String> screens)
: Define the screens where the overlay is applied or excluded, depending onexcludeMentionedScreens
.excludeMentionedScreens(boolean excludeMentionedScreens)
: Use in conjunction withscreens
. If true, exclude the mentioned screens from occlusion while applying occlusion to the rest. Default is false.
Hide Sensitive View
Use this method to hide specific views with sensitive information that you don't want to record.
// Xamarin Example - Occlude Sensitive View
void UXCam.OccludeSensitiveView(View sensitiveView);
Usage from Configuration Object
It is also possible to pass a list of occlusions (except Sensitive View) to be applied during configuration:
// Xamarin Example - Configuration with Occlusion
UXCamBlurSetting blur = new UXCamBlurSetting(10);
UXCamConfiguration configuration = new UXCamConfiguration("User API Key");
configuration.Occlusion = new UXCamOcclusion(blur);
Sensitive Data Occlusion Inside WebViews
When dealing with sensitive data in WebViews, it's essential to ensure that any personal or sensitive information is properly occluded to maintain user privacy. Our guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to handle occlusion within WebViews effectively.
For more information, click the button below:
Updated 4 months ago