If you are using Segment to track your events and collect useful information, you can integrate it with UXCam to get the full context of your users' interaction. To connect Segment with UXCam, you can use the middleware integration which translates Segment's tracking methods into UXCam's methods to automatically send screen names, events with properties, and user properties from Segment to UXCam.
Please note that the Segment <> UXCam integration is only possible via middleware, which has to be added directly into your code. The tracking methods used will depend on your needs and your middleware implementation.
If you haven’t already, please integrate UXCam following the steps described for iOS or Android
To read more about Segment's integration process, please visit this page
Supported Segment Calls and Equivalents
Here you can view a list of Segment's available calls and the UXCam supported methods you can map it to:
Segment API | UXCam API | Usability |
Identify | setUserProperties | Set name and additional properties to your users. |
Track | logEvent | Follow actions that are performed by your users and its properties. |
Screen | tagScreenName | Lets you name the screen the user has visited. |
Alias | setUserIdentity | Assign a new identity to a previous user. (We recommend using the identify call as it already is able to send user identity) |
Android & iOS
Initialization Steps
And after initializing the UXCam SDK, you can create Segment middleware and initialize Segment, inside the middleware code you can add the cases you need to send to UXCam:
(i.e only track events or track + screens)
let segmentConfiguration = AnalyticsConfiguration(writeKey: SEGMENT_API_KEY)
// Make other configuration changes
let uxcamMiddleware = BlockMiddleware(block: { (context, next) in
switch (context.eventType) {
// Add your cases here
default: break
segmentConfiguration.sourceMiddleware = [uxcamMiddleware]
Analytics.setup(with: segmentConfiguration)
SEGAnalyticsConfiguration *segmentConfiguration = [SEGAnalyticsConfiguration configurationWithWriteKey: SEGMENT_API_KEY
// Make other configuration changes
SEGBlockMiddleware *uxcamMiddleware = [[SEGBlockMiddleware alloc] initWithBlock:^(SEGContext * _Nonnull context, SEGMiddlewareNext _Nonnull next) {
switch (context.eventType) {
// Add your cases here
default: break;
segmentConfiguration.sourceMiddleware = @[uxcamMiddleware];
[SEGAnalytics setupWithConfiguration:segmentConfiguration];
new Analytics.Builder(getApplicationContext(), SEGMENT_API_KEY)
.useSourceMiddleware(new Middleware() {
public void intercept(Chain chain) {
BasePayload payload = chain.payload();
switch (payload.type()) {
// Add your cases here
Analytics.Builder(applicationContext, SEGMENT_API_KEY)
.useSourceMiddleware { chain ->
val payload = chain.payload()
when (payload.type()) {
// Add your cases here
Send Events to UXCam
Add a case .track to your middleware:
case .track:
if let track = context.payload as? TrackPayload {
var properties = [String: String]()
// Stringify track properties{ (key: AnyHashable, value: Any) in
properties["\(key)"] = "\(value)"
let check = track.event
if check != "button to ignore" {
UXCam.logEvent(track.event, withProperties: properties)
case SEGEventTypeTrack:
if ([context.payload isKindOfClass:[SEGTrackPayload class]]) {
SEGTrackPayload *track = (SEGTrackPayload *)context.payload;
// Converting property from Segment payload to match UXCam payload
// Stringifying Key and Value of properties
NSDictionary *oldProperties =;
NSMutableDictionary *newProperties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (oldProperties != nil && oldProperties.count > 0) {
[oldProperties enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
NSString *keyString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", key];
NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", obj];
newProperties[keyString] = value;
[UXCam logEvent:track.event withProperties:newProperties];
case track:
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
String key = payload.getString("event");
ValueMap map = payload.getValueMap("properties");
if (map != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
params.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
UXCam.logEvent(key, params);
BasePayload.Type.track -> {
val params: MutableMap<String, Any> = HashMap()
val key = payload.getString("event")
payload.getValueMap("properties")?.let {
for ((paramKey, paramValue) in it) {
params[paramKey] = paramValue
UXCam.logEvent(key, params)
Tag Screen Name
Add a case .screen to your middleware:
case .screen:
if let screen = context.payload as? ScreenPayload {
var properties = [String: String]()
// Stringify track properties{ (key: AnyHashable, value: Any) in
properties["\(key)"] = "\(value)"
case screen:
String screenName = payload.getString("name");
BasePayload.Type.screen -> {
val screenName = payload.getString("name")
Set User Identity
case .identify:
if let user = context.payload as? IdentifyPayload {
var userProperties = [String: String]()
// Stringify track properties
user.traits?.forEach({ (key: AnyHashable, value: Any) in
userProperties["\(key)"] = "\(value)"
case identify:
String userId = payload.userId();
if (userId != null) {
Object payloadTraits = payload.get("traits");
if (payloadTraits instanceof Map) {
Map<Object, Object> traits = (Map<Object, Object>) payloadTraits;
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : traits.entrySet()) { UXCam.setUserProperty(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString());
BasePayload.Type.identify -> {
payload.userId()?.let {
payload["traits"]?.let {
val traits: Map<*, *>? = it as? Map<*, *>
traits?.let {
for ((key, value) in traits) {
UXCam.setUserProperty(key.toString(), value.toString())
React Native
Initialization Steps
- Create a new typescript plugin file named “uxcam_segment_plugin.ts” with the below contents:
// UXCamSegmentPlugin.ts
import {
} from '@segment/analytics-react-native';
import RNUxcam from 'react-native-ux-cam';
export class UXCamSegmentPlugin extends EventPlugin {
type = PluginType.before;
identify(event: IdentifyEventType) {
if (event.userId) { RNUxcam.setUserIdentity(event.userId); }
if (event.traits) {
([key, value]) => this.setUserProperty(key, value)
return event;
setUserProperty(key: string, value: JsonValue) {
// Only string and number are supported for UXCam setUserProperty
if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
RNUxcam.setUserProperty(key, value);
track(event: TrackEventType) {
if ( {
return event;
screen(event: ScreenEventType) {
return event;
- Add the created plugin as segment plugin in the starting point of the app, mainly “App.js”
import { UXCamSegmentPlugin } from './src/helpers/segment_plugin';
segmentClient.add({ plugin: new UXCamSegmentPlugin() });
- Now simply start using these segment methods as normal and those calls will automatically call respective UXCam methods to store data in the UXCam Dashboard:
export const segmentClient = createClient({
writeKey: "SEGMENT_KEY",
trackAppLifecycleEvents: true,
//additional config options
// below example will call `logEvent` method on UXCam
segmentClient.track(“button-click”, {“button”: true})
segmentClient.screen(“screen1”) // call `tagScreenName` method on UXCam
This will complete the integration process.
These tracking methods you're sending to Segment, will be logged on UXCam’s Dashboard as events, events properties, user properties, and tracked screens.
Is it possible to send specific events to UXCam instead of all of them?
Yes, a simple conditional statement to filter events will work. Our middleware is an example and implementation depends on developers and their requirements. Filter, modification and any other logics can be added to the middleware as in any other block of code.
Can I send multiple methods at the same time to UXCam?
Definitely, you can send all available tracking methods from Segment to UXCam at the same time, simply adding each case to the middleware. Plase, keep in mind that the order in which you set the cases can affect the order in which they appear in UXCam (i.e events being sent before a screen gets tagged can show as the event being triggered in a previous screen)
Can I send data from UXCam to Segment?
This middleware only allows to send data from Segment to UXCam, it is not both ways.
Which events can be sent to UXCam from Segment?
See the Supported Segment Calls above
Is there anything I should do after adding the middleware?
After adding the middleware, events and properties you've selected to send to UXCam will start appearing in your Dashboard on the next sessions without having to perform any additional actions. If you want to customize which events, properties or how diverse tracking methods are sent, you'd have to do so on your app's code. -
How does it looks like from UXCam side (Dashboard)?
Events and properties you send from Segment will appear as a regular event/property or screen on UXCam as if you've sent them using our APIs
If I change or edit one event in Segment, will it be automatically updated in UXCam?
Yes, edited properties or events will be updated on the following session after you've made these changes. In the case of events and properties, old ones you've eliminated will remain visible in previous sessions (or users) properties.
Do I need to review this integration for every release?
If you have made significant changes that affect the events, screens or the way users are defined in your app or in Segment, it's advisable to review the middleware and verify everything is being sent properly. If no major changes have been made, the middleware can keep tracking the methods you've already added.
Do you have a limit on the number of events that I can send?
You're able to send any amount of events to the middleware, however please keep in mind that UXCam will only record up to the maximum event count your account has in your subscription.
Do you have a limit on the number of event properties I can send?
There can be up to 20 properties per event.
Do you have a limit on the number of user properties I can send?
You can send up to 100 properties for each of your users, with each property having a maximum length of 1024 characters.
What happens when I hit the limits?
If you exceed the amount of events in your subscription details, no further events will be recorded until your next cycle gets reset.
If you exceed the amount of event or user properties being sent on an event, the extra properties will not be shown and you'll see a message indicating there's an excess in your event or user properties.
Updated 3 months ago