
See the latest SDK updates for each Framework.


Please make sure you always have the latest version.


July 19, 2024

V. 3.6.29

  • Fix: Session was not stopped correctly when "androidx.startup.InitializationProvider" is removed from the manifest. SDK now falls back to the legacy approach for app lifecycle detection when InitializationProvider is unavailable.

June 27, 2024

V. 3.6.28

  • Fixed issue where the first frame after a view appears was not occluded in Jetpack Compose.
  • Improved occlusion synchronization during view movement by drawing the occlusion rectangle before and after screenshots in Jetpack Compose.
  • Resolved WebView rendering black session video frames in Flutter apps.
  • Fixed dialogs not rendering correctly in Flutter hybrid applications.
May 31, 2024

V. 3.6.27

  • Force close support for data file
  • Fragment tagging improvements
  • Improved exception handling on screen action implementation
  • Handled FileNotFoundException
May 13, 2024

V. 3.6.26

  • Fixed an issue where sessions were not stopping correctly from cross-platform plugins, which was present in the previous version.
April 1, 2024

V. 3.6.24

  • fix: Accurate Screen Action detection when interacting with element that would result in layout update.
  • fix: Button text change when clicked were not captured accurately
  • fix: UI properties were tracked on full screen occlusion
  • fix: Screen Action for ListPreference data was not captured on click
March 18, 2024

V. 3.6.23

  • fix: Prevent NoSuchElementException due to race condition on preparing screen bitmap.
  • fix: Get Screen action of responsive view.
February 29, 2024

V. 3.6.22

  • fix: PixelCopy error log is printed while navigating through Activities
  • fix: Previous screen action details were registered for new screen actions in some specific scenarios
February 1, 2024

V. 3.6.21

  • fix: view within BottomSheetFragment was not occluded when shown navigating to the new Activity.
  • fix: view type was sent for occluded view.
  • new: Ability to add wrapper info on the tagged screen data
January 23, 2024

V. 3.6.20

  • fix: Rage tap session filter did not work
  • fix: OOM while encrypting very large video.
  • fix: Fatal crash with AssertionError while looping through layout for screen action.
  • fix: Not disabling screen action when accessibility service is enabled.
  • fix: Occluding parent view did not prevent screen action tracking of it's child view.
December 13, 2023

V. 3.6.19

  • fix(core): Crash - Null cannot be cast to non-null type
  • fix(core): Exception while navigating between Activities
  • fix(core): main thread blocked causing ANR on Android API level 21 and 22
  • feat(core): Added Pending Session Count to Verification Request
  • fix(core): internal debug logs was only cleared when verification response has status true
November 9, 2023

V. 3.6.18

  • fix: Data and video time inconsistency, skipped frame.
  • Screen action data was visible for the occluded view.
  • fix: Surface isn't valid, IllegalArgumentException when SDK tries to take screenshot of invalid surface.
  • fix: Fatal crash ArrayIndexOut0fBoundsException and ConcurrentModificationException on ScreenActionViewsRepositoryImpl.
October 20, 2023

V. 3.6.17

  • fix: OutOfMemoryError on low end devices
  • fix: View time of screen being 0 with gesture time being greater than view arrival time
  • fix: GLSurfaceView rendered black
October 6, 2023

V. 3.6.16

  • fix: Occlusion drawing shift on some devices
  • fix: Occlusion affecting dialogs
  • fix: Fatal crash "IllegalStateException: Underflow in restore - more restores than saves"
  • fix: Multi region infrastructure support
September 15, 2023

V. 3.6.15

  • fix: Veracode flagging for "Improper Resource Shutdown or Release"
  • fix: Compose ui dependency updated to version 1.4.3
  • fix: React Native - MapView not recorded on screen video
  • feat: Send app environment variable in the verification request
August 28, 2023 V. 3.6.14
  • fix: Android: No video uploaded in session if user presses device home button
  • fix: Android: Missing sessions / SDK not starting if minification is added to app
  • fix: React Native - Android Native || OOM Crashes
August 3, 2023 V. 3.6.13
  • fix: Acquire screenshot for Flutter in a more performant way
  • fix: Android: Do not upload Debug logs by default, unless specified through cancelInternalLogs parameter that is received in verification
  • fix: Improvement in Android SDK. Implemented Pro-guard rules.
  • fix: Android Native - Crash on 3.6.12 no steps to reproduce
July 27, 2023 V. 3.6.12
  • Fix NullPointerException on ScreenActionTracker loop.
July 18, 2023 V. 3.6.11
  • fix(core): ScreenAction interfering with accessibility TalkBack causing issue with navigation
  • fix(core): Capture text from child views when gesture is registered in a container element When ViewGroup is clicked

June 29, 2023
V. 3.6.10

  • fix(core): Removed synchronization blocks to fix VerifyError issue
  • fix(core): Different screen name for same screen

June 14, 2023
V. 3.6.7

  • Fix: @keep annotation causing java.lang.VerifyError.
  • Fix: Compose screen action disabled to prevent crash.
  • Fix: setUserIdentity sets the same id on previous and next session and discards the first session video.
  • Fix: MapView are not rendered when Flutter view exists in the hierarchy in GONE state as well.
  • Fix: Some internal logs were not ignored when disabled from the server.
  • Feat: Added internal file size and response time metrics.
May 31, 2023 V. 3.6.6

Fix: Timeline screen data not in sync with video (if using Flutter)

May 25, 2023 V. 3.6.5
  • Fix: OutOfMemoryError error due to bitmap reference not being released. Reduced memory usage.
  • Fix: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception while looping through views for screen action.
  • Fix: Threading Exception while looping through views for screen action.
  • Fix: Performance improvement, reduced ANR.
  • Fix: tagScreenName with empty parameter was not validated.
  • Fix: NullPointerException on logEvent when called before UXCam is initialized.
  • Fix: Keyboard was rendered on the screen video even when the actual virtual keyboard was not visible after an orientation change.
April 26, 2023 V. 3.6.4
  • Fix: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException thrown when the first screen is ignored.
  • Fix: NullPointerException on rage gesture.
  • Fix: Gesture not recorded when auto tagging is false.
  • Fix: NullPointerException while drawing Flutter screenshot.
  • Fix: IllegalStateException when getting childManager as its parent fragment is not attached.
  • Fix: Null pointer exception while updating orientation due to null activity.
April 11, 2023 V. 3.6.3
  • Fix: When fragment-based tagging is enabled, closing dialog fragment in activity was introducing a crash.
  • Fix: When the rage gesture sequence has multiple screens multiple rage events were registered.
  • Fix: Rage tap gestures not flagged when navigating to another screen with rage.
  • Fix: Rage event wrongly registered to auto tagged screen instead of user tagged.
  • Fix: Session not correctly stopped when SDK initialized from non launcher Activity.
  • Fix: Could not read logcat output on Android 13 and above.
  • Fix: Occlusion issue for cross platform.
February 17, 2023 V. 3.6.2
  • Feat: Fragment-based screen tagging.
  • Fix: Hardware rendered native views such as MapView were not rendered.
  • Fix: Screen action improvements, identify additional UI elements.
February 14, 2023 V. 3.6.1
  • Fix: Exception while finding sensitive views when the root view is not a ViewGroup.
  • Fix: Event time is greater than the screen viewed time.
  • Fix: Null key/value on event properties caused failure in processing further properties.
  • Fix: "failed lock verification" non-fatal caught exception being logged in Logcat.
February 3, 2023 V. 3.6.0
  • Fix: Rendering previous bitmap rather than the latest.
  • Fix: Session video is shorter in duration than the actual timeline data.
  • Fix: Timeline with unknown screen and viewed time 0 was reported.
  • Fix: Video sync issue while navigating, black frame after the app goes to background, first frame found in the last frame of the video.
  • Fix: Random full-screen occlusion was rendered when a short break was implemented incorrectly.
  • Fix: Occluded view being rendered due to a sync issue resolved.
December 7, 2022 V. 3.5.2
  • Fix: ClassCastException on type casting root view to ViewGroup.
  • Fix: Exception while injecting UXCam JS to the WebView.
  • Fix: IllegalArgumentException when encoding frame.
  • Fix: Rage Tap for certain screens was inconsistent.
  • Fix: Session video is shorter in duration than the actual timeline data.
  • Fix: Timeline with unknown screen and viewed time 0 was reported.
November 4, 2022 V. 3.5.1
  • Fix: null pointer issue 🪲
  • Fix: null value is reported on UI freeze list 🪲
  • Fix: sessions being split due to wait time being exceeded 🪲
October 18, 2022 V. 3.5.0
  • Fix: Did not stop sending verify request when verify limit condition was met 🪲
  • Fix: Gesture not being recorded on the current screen after using resume record api 🪲
  • Feature: Added UXCam configuration to honor window's FLAG_SECURE flag. UXConfig.Builder.honorFlagSecure()
September 29, 2022 V. 3.4.5
  • Fix: Black frames were being saved when the screenshot fails 🪲
  • Fix: Initial Orientation gesture was registered on the next screen.
  • Fix: Resume screen recording API was not working properly. 🪲
September 1st, 2022 V. 3.4.4
  • Fix: black screen on Flutter webview on Flutter v3+
  • Fix: lockCanvas null pointer issue due 🪲
  • Fix: Null pointer issue on occlusion application. 🪲 [IMPORTANT]
  • Fix: Flutter View not being seen in native android
  • Fix: Session was being uploaded if the launcher activity was being restarted after it was finished.
  • Fix: Video encryption does not complete in case of force close
  • Various other fixes
  • New: Screen level control for OccludeAllTextFields
August 3, 2022 V. 3.4.3
  • Improved Text field and Password field auto detection and occlusion
  • Blur performance improvements
  • Fix: UI Freezes without screen data for internal ANR event. 🪲
  • Fix: Gestures on a name tagged Fragment are shown on the timeline of the Activity 🪲
  • Fix: Gestures on a tagged screen are shown in the timeline of the root Activity for cross-platform
  • Fix: First frame black when blurring from the start of the application 🪲
  • Fix: Flutter and Xamarin plugin info not being uploaded🪲
July 1, 2022 V. 3.4.2
  • Fix: Recycler view is occluded correctly. 🪲
  • Fix: Orientation on the first screen reported correctly. 🪲
  • Fix: API cancelCurrentSession() correctly discards the session. 🪲
  • Fix: A Gesture that triggers navigation is not ignored.
  • Fix: Prevent StackOverflow error due to recursion in logging. 🪲
  • Fix: Avoid crash due to Window callback conflict. 🪲
  • Performance: Decreased the use of the main thread by the SDK on a cold start of the app.
May 25, 2022 V. 3.4.1
  • Fix: Black screen video issue on improved screen recording (devices below Android 8.0) 🪲
  • New: Optimized screen video recording for emulators above Android 6.0.
April 8, 2022 V. 3.4.0
  • New: Startup process using configuration
  • New: Option to enable hardware layer screen recording using PixelCopy
  • New: User tag validation to 255 characters
  • Fix: Avoid crashes when OKHttp dependency is missing 🪲
  • Fix: Dialog and DialogFragment rendering improvements
  • Fix: Views inside Dialog are correctly occluded 🪲
  • Fix: allowShortBreakForAnotherApp() will not split the session. 🪲
  • Fix: Improved exception handling
  • Fix: Video settings not being applied correctly 🪲
October 28, 2021 V. 3.3.7
  • Fixed crashes due to NullPointerException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 🪲
July 5, 2021 V. 3.3.6
  • Improvement of the SDK initiation process
  • Feature to enable/disable crash handling was added
January 13, 2021 V. 3.3.5
  • Minor bug fixes 🪲
December 29, 2020 V. 3.3.4
  • Memory leak issue fixed 🪲
  • Optimized session upload service
November 5, 2020 V. 3.3.3
  • Improved stability, NullPointerException issue resolved. 🪲
V. 3.3.2

Empty timeline issue resolved. - Fixed issue where the event has no screen attached. 🪲

September 11, 2020 V. 3.3.1
  • Performance improvement, eliminated use of main thread where possible.
  • Total RAM and storage issue fixed 🪲
  • Handled exception thrown by Google map lib 🪲
June 19, 2020 V. 3.3.0
  • Improved Crash and UI Freeze reporting
  • attachWebviewInterface(Webview) API as auto attaching interface was unreliable for some users
  • Occluding view on Webview considers zoom CSS property
  • MapView will not be overlaid over other Activity 🪲
April 10, 2020 V. 3.71
  • Canceled sessions are reported
  • Suppressed error log from injected js code 🪲
  • GoogleMap recording support
February 27, 2020 V. 3.2.0
  • Option to force upload session
  • Fixed issue with startNewSession() when called immediately after startWithKey 🪲
  • Prevent rare fatal crash which was caused due to context being null 🪲
  • Fixed conflict with other libs that implement onTouchListener interface 🪲
  • Occlude view improvements
  • Flutter improvements: Supports Flutter SDK v1.12.13, records screen video on release build.
December 18, 2019 V. 3.1.12
  • Fixed issue of Webview flickering and copy/paste overlay changing position 🪲
  • Option to upload data file only on mobile data implemented
  • Warning due to Webview method being called from another thread solved 🪲
December 02, 2019 V. 3.1.11
  • Fixed wrongly drawing Virtual keyboard placeholder on the screen video. 🪲
  • Fixed issue where tagged event without params was not tracked 🪲
  • Solved the issue with the password field and edit text not occluded on Dialog 🪲
  • SDK side session filter implemented
November 08, 2019 V. 3.1.10
  • Screen action performance improvement
  • Solved issue where gestures on Dialog were not being tracked 🪲
  • Event limit made consistent with iOS SDK. Ignores all params if beyond limit, added internal param to notify backend of ignored params
  • Handled multiple exceptions based on stack trace provided by customers
October 21, 2019 V. 3.1.9
  • Added APIs: optIntoVideoRecording, optOutOfVideoRecording and optInVideoRecordingStatus
  • optInOverall, optOutOverall and optInOverallStatus APIs added deprecating optIn, optOut and optInStatus
  • Fixed issue which lets user add an event more than the limit 🪲
  • SDK now correctly reports the stack trace of uncaught exception. Fixed bug from 3.1.8 🪲
October 02, 2019 V. 3.1.8
  • Occlude view support for Webview
  • Screen name tagged before verification are not ignored 🪲
  • Bug Fix: Session will not end when the permission dialog appears 🪲
  • Include stack trace of all threads on UI Freeze and uncaught exception event
  • Removed Java 1.8 dependency
V. 3.1.6
  • SDK now receives activities to occlude on verification response.
  • Bug Fix: Sometimes occludeAllTextFields() was not working correctly on the first frame of the Activity 🪲
  • Bug Fix: Calling occludeAllTextFields(false) continued occluding already occluded views. 🪲
  • Bug Fix: Occluding Rectangle from the previous fragment was visible on the new one too. 🪲
  • Bug Fix: UI Freeze being reported multiple times. 🪲
V. 3.1.5
  • APIs to ignore the screen added.
  • Fixed conflict with NewRelic. 🪲
V. 3.1.4
  • Fixed conflict with Firebase performance library. 🪲
  • Monthly mobile data limit implemented.
  • Draw Keyboard text on-screen video.
  • Support Ultra-low setting.
  • occludeAllTextFields support occluding dynamic views.
V. 3.1.3
  • occludeSensitiveView() issue on DialogFragment fixed. 🪲
  • SDK now sends app log.
V. 3.1.1
  • Gesture coordinate is accurate on the device where it was off by a few pixels previously.
  • Bug Fix: Empty zip will not be created when session video is ignored. 🪲
V. 3.1.0
  • onDraw will not be called for an invisible window.
  • videosRecordedOnDevice count is now correct. 🪲
  • Issue when swipe starts from the scroll view and ends outside of it fixed. 🪲
  • Updated unresponsive gesture detection logic, the new solution is based on onTouchEvent listener.
  • Hybrid encryption and compression on session data implemented.
V. 3.0.9
  • Screen action / unresponsive gesture improvements and additional properties sent (isEnabled, class hierarchy, hierarchy count ..).
  • Bug Fix: SDK now reports orientation change while video recording is off. 🪲
  • Removed touch coordinate manipulations from SDK.
V. 3.0.8
  • Detect swipe on scrollView as responsive.
  • Added screen action details for unresponsive gestures as well.
  • Bug Fix: Screen action now doesn't depend on the screen video recording. 🪲
V. 3.0.7
  • Bug Fix: SDK now tracks screen action and unresponsive gestures. 🪲
  • Sends record status and reason for discarding the video on SDK.
  • Bug Fix: -ve viewed time on the last activity 🪲
  • Shows a warning message when logEvent() or addSessionProperty() API is called before the verification response is received.
January 22, 2019 V. 3.0.6
  • Bug Fixes: No gesture was recorded when the video recording was turned off. 🪲
  • Uploaded Javadoc to maven repo, users will be able to see API doc from the IDE.
  • allowShortBreakForAnotherApp(boolean) added to make this consistent with iOS.
December 12, 2018 V. 3.0.5
  • “occludeSensitiveViewWithoutGesture(View)” implemented which hides gestures on the occluded view.
  • New API added “occludeSensitiveScreen(boolean hideScreen, boolean withoutGesture)” which will hide the gestures on the occluded screen view if set as “true” and vice versa.
  • Exception handled while calling the API “optIn” or “optOut” before “startWithKey”.
  • App icon was not sent from the app that uses adaptive icon which has now been fixed. 🪲
  • The session and user URL now never returns null. 🪲
  • The issue with session and user URL which were coming from cache while the session was recorded offline has been fixed. 🪲
  • Total time of session was coming in negative value if time gets changed to past while the app is on foreground which has now been fixed. 🪲
November 21, 2018 V. 3.0.4
  • Removed restriction of setting user identity before setting user property.
  • Exception when using API allowShortBreakForAnotherApp() and background wait limit of 3 min is reached has been fixed. 🪲
  • UnoccludeSensitiveView(View) now works as expected. Exception due to MotionEvents being null on UXGestureListener handled.
November 02, 2018 V. 3.0.3
  • Improvements to filter handling when the account is low on sessions left to record.
  • OOM Crash due to a very large stack trace fixed. 🪲
  • Improvement on swipe gesture detection.
V. 3.0.1
  • Does not record session if available storage on the device is less than 100MB.
  • Wrapping up the session when the app goes to the background is much faster, and the session does not get corrupt when the user force closes the app from recent apps.
V. 3.0.0
  • If the filter is set as wifi only and the session is recorded through data and then switching to wifi does not upload the session which has been fixed. 🪲

July 23, 2024
V. 3.6.15

  • Fixed sessions not being uploaded on mobile data
  • Fixed Irregular crash due to semaphore when app goes to background
  • Fixed screen tag mismatch for child controllers

Jun 20, 2024
V. 3.6.14

  • Added support for webview occlusion in native and cross platform plugins
  • Fixed occlusion misplacement on SwiftUI views
  • Fixed occlusion issue while screen transition in flutter
May 17, 2024 V. 3.6.13
  • Fixed occlusion not working for schematic recording
  • Fixed unknown name showing on dashboard when app comes to foreground for manual tagging
  • Fixed app crash due to deadlock condition while cancelling session
April 23, 2024 V. 3.6.12
  • Fixed negative session issue in timeline
  • Fixed occlusion not being removed issue when screen is changed in flutter
  • Fixed crash issue when multi session record is disabled
  • Fixed crash issue when tabbar consists of morenavigationcontroller
March 14, 2024 V. 3.6.11
  • Fix 0 sec length issue in dashboard for few sessions
  • Fixed app upload failing issue due to SDK in Xcode 15.3
  • Added privacy manifest file declaring the information we capture as required by Apple
  • Fixed crashed issue when session starts before screen is loaded for some customers
  • Fixed crash issue occurring on schematic recording due to custom fonts used in NSAttributedString
  • Removed capture of mobile carrier information from iOS 16 as Apple has restricted the gathering of mobile carrier due to privacy issue. From 16.4, CTCarrier, a deprecated API that we were using to fetch, returns static values for apps that are built with the iOS 16.4 SDK or later.
February 28, 2024 V. 3.6.10
  • Automatically occlude all textfields based on `UITextContentType` property. Previously textfields would only occlude if the password field is hidden. Toggling the password to visible would unocclude the textfield from dashboard as well. Now, if the textfields has content type of (password, creditcardnumber, newpassword, onetimecode), it will be occluded even if that field is visible in the app.
  • Allow screens to be be recorded for third party frameworks. For this, new property is introduced on `configuration` property named `frameworksBundleIdentifiers` which is the bundle identifiers for all third party libraries for which the screens need to be recorded.
  • Fixed zero seconds sessions showing in dashboard for sessions that have longer video duration in video replay
  • Improvement in occlusions related logic
January 29, 2024 V. 3.6.9
  • Fixed crash issue due to uploading large sessions in background
  • Modified verification request in SDK to include pending sessions count
  • Expose method in SDK to handle caught exceptions from cross platforms plugins
  • Expose new flutter module to handle flutter specific methods
December 8, 2023 V. 3.6.8
  • Fixed craash issue due to ineffective screen rendering
November 10, 2023 V. 3.6.7
  • Fixed issue related to app language changed after adding UXCam
  • Fixed crash issue due to uploading of large video session
  • Fixed issue related to occluded elements information shown in dashboard
  • Fixed an issue in flutter where last frame was visible after applying occlusion
  • Fixed text detection not working in table view
  • Fixed text detection not working for compound button
  • Fixed occlusion not being removed after navigating to next screen
  • Fixed elements for bottom navigation bar showing different name for each screen
  • Enabled multi region verify functionality in SDK
September 25, 2023 V. 3.6.6
  • Fixed app crash issue due to uploading large videos in flutter
  • Fixed issue related to SCNView not view captured in iOS
  • Fixed different crash issues occurring on iOS
  • Fixed text detection not working for double tap and rage tap in flutter
  • Added new configuration key `enableImprovedScreenCapture` to give option to switch between old and new rendering methods. It defaults to true
  • Fixed issue related to fail response even after adding correct key
August 23, 2023 V. 3.6.5
  • Fixed flutter occlusion flickering issue
  • Handle performance issue for custom camera views
  • Prevent capturing animated views using old rendering method
  • Fixed issue related to non interactable buttons when added directly to table and collectionview cells
  • Fixed issue related to showing gestures in top left corner for flutter apps
  • Updated code to handle zoomed flutter views
  • Fixed crash issue related to rendering empty views
  • Fixed blur removing issue on React native before screen changes
July 6, 2023 V. 3.6.4
  • Fixed performance issue in Cordova and other webview related frameworks.
  • Fixed random flickering occlusion screen showing in Cordova framework.
June 13, 2023 V. 3.6.3
  • Fixed gesture override issue in react native gesture SDK.
  • Fixed time discrepancy between device time and recorded time.
  • Fixed random crash issue due to enabling network log.
  • Fixed crash issue due to nullable value being sent on a non-null parameter while uploading session.
  • Fixed Cordova crash due to nullable sync group.
  • Fixed random crash issue while stopping sessions.
  • Fixed event time greater than session length issue for some sessions.
  • Fixed app termination issue due to not properly ending the background task.
May 5, 2023 V. 3.6.2
  • Fixed occlusion not correctly happening while scrolling.
  • Prevent screen recording of manually tagged screens if disabled from the dashboard.
  • Fixed crash if segment control segments are less than the total number of segments.
  • Prevent tagging of blank screen name in manual tagging.
April 19, 2023 V. 3.6.1
  • Improvement in handling session upload errors causing missing videos.
  • Capture different types of UI elements that were missing previously.
  • Add a unique identifier for different UI elements.
  • Accept null values as event properties.
  • Fixed an issue where typing quickly in UITextView makes the app unresponsive.
  • Improvement in performance for apps using CAMetalLayer (used in game engines, flutter).
  • Fixed overlapping screens in the session when a dialog box is shown.
  • Prevent occlusion of screens if there are no tagged screens in manual tagging.
  • Show rage tap on the session only if there are more than 2 consecutive taps in the dashboard.
  • Reset rage tap if the user navigates to a new screen.
  • Improvement in showing correct screens for cross-platform plugins.
March 24, 2023 V. 3.6.0
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen was shown in session recording when a dialog box was clicked.
  • Fixed session length mismatch in the dashboard while calling the pause screen recording API.
  • Fixed an issue where device size was not correctly calculated for some applications.
  • Fixed an issue where blurring was not applied in SwiftUI if no screens are tagged.
  • Fixed an issue where excludeMentionedScreens was not working while occluding some of the screens.
  • Now occlusion applied from SDK can’t be removed from the dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue related to gesture being not recorded for occluded screens on cross platforms (Flutter).
  • Fixed a crash issue due to the SDK while using custom UIContentConfiguration objects in the app.
  • Improved automatic screen name capturing for UIPageViewController (Now child screens are shown instead of UIPageViewController).
February 9, 2023 V. 3.5.3
  • Fix upside-down video orientation in the dashboard.
  • Fixed random crash issue related to metal layer.
  • Improved unresponsive gesture implementation in the SDK.
  • Improved implementation of UI elements capture in the SDK.
  • Show parent controller name instead of the child one to avoid 0 secs screens.
  • Added UXCam prefix to avoid the plcrash reporter namespace clash with apps.
  • Fixed an issue related to app logs unable to parse some of the utf-8 characters.
January 16, 2023 V. 3.5.2
  • Added a configuration option for environment types (alpha, beta, release).
  • Fixed occlusion issue for manually tagged screens in automatic tagging 🪲.
  • Updated crash reporting logic to show correct crash information in the dashboard.
December 26, 2022 V. 3.5.1
  • Improved screen tagging for automatically tagged screens - Show "ScreenName" instead of "AppName.ScreenName".
  • Allow manual tagging for screens in automatically tagged screens.
  • Fixed a crash occurring in Apple/Google maps. 🪲
November 14, 2022 V. 3.5.0
  • Improved app performance on native session recording.
  • Fixed hitching issue while scrolling in native recording 🪲.
V. 3.4.5
  • Fixed app freezing and random crash issue due to enabling app logs 🪲.
V. 3.4.4
  • Revert multiple windows video record logic to prevent the app from freezing on iPad.
  • Fix issue regarding gestures not captured in paused state on the same screen 🪲.
  • Refactor native screen logic to decrease CPU Usage.
August 17, 2022 V. 3.4.3
  • Fix random crash issue while saving heatmap.
July 15, 2022 V. 3.4.2
  • Improvements in CPU usage while the app is in ANR.
  • Performance improvements in the app when going to the background.
  • Fixed an issue where blurring without providing radius would not blur in the app.
  • Fixed an issue where a webview was occluded as a sensitive view on occludeAllTextFields.
  • Fixed an issue where certain crashes were not uploading to the dashboard.
April 13, 2022 V. 3.4.1
  • Blur/Occlusion support.
  • 4XX error fallback to offline session recordings 🪲 [IMPORTANT].
  • App log in JSON format.
March 16, 2022 V. 3.4.0
  • Allow short break improvements and issue fixes 🪲.
  • PLCrashReporter.
  • ANR uses PLCrashReporter better stack frames.
  • Network logs.
  • SDK settings via configuration object rather than multiple API calls.
November 2, 2021 V. 3.3.9
  • Internal fixes for the Cordova plugin.
October 20, 2021 V. 3.3.8
  • Fix a race condition that could cause a crash.
September 2, 2021 V. 3.3.7
  • Stop ANR recording while on 'allowShortBreak' 🪲.
  • Added '+ (void)logNotification:(UNNotification*)notification' to record push notifications received into the timeline.
  • Improved automatic screen naming when modal views are not full screen and reduced screen name noise around keyboard controllers.
  • XCode 12.4 or newer is required (same as 3.3.6).
July 5, 2021 V. 3.3.5
  • UTI mimetype problem on M1 Macs fixed 🪲.
  • More improvements in Cellular upload scheduling.
  • Race condition on uploading multiple sessions fixed 🪲.
  • Improved signal handler exit process.
February 23, 2021 V. 3.3.3
  • Fixes sensitive screen issues when coming from the background state. Improvement on keyboard handling.
  • Has an API to handle react-native gesture issues.
January 19, 2021 V. 3.3.2
  • Fix a timestamp issue in reported exceptions 🪲.
V. 3.3.1
  • Fixed an issue where a manually occluded screen state was reset on session boundaries 🪲.
  • Fixed a problem with gestures over sensitive view onwards 🪲.
December 11, 2020 V. 3.3.0
  • Added APIs for logging handled exceptions.
  • Improvements to upload scheduling.
  • Crashed sessions aren't filtered for minimum duration.
  • Distribution format changed to XCFramework for future-proofing when Apple Silicon simulator versions are needed.
  • Swift package manager integration available in XCode12/Swift 5.3+.
  • NB: Xcode 11.4 or higher is required to use the UXCam framework from 3.3.0 onwards.
September 18, 2020 V. 3.2.6
  • React native layer rendering improved.
August 14, 2020 V. 3.2.5
  • Refactor of offline session verify to reduce retries attempts when offline.
  • Improved handling of canceled and not started sessions.
  • Report to dashboard when exhausted offline video allowance.
  • Fixed some rare occurrences of negative time in a screen when transitioning from one session to another 🪲.
V. 3.2.4
  • Double-tap gesture handling changed to reduce delays in single tap processing.
  • Removed all support/references to UI Web View for Cordova in light of Apple full deprecation of UI Web View.
  • NB: Framework requires XCode 11.4 or higher to use it fully.
June 02, 2020 V. 3.2.3
  • Fixed an issue where starting a new session when one is already running could cause a failure to record the new session 🪲.
May 25, 2020 V. 3.2.2
  • Fixed a problem with auto-occluded screens when using manual tagging 🪲.
April 22, 2020 V. 3.2.1
  • Extra traps to avoid running and creating a crash on iOS 9.
  • Removed methods deprecated in v3.0.
  • Further improvements to canceled session reporting.
April 07, 2020 V. 3.2.0
  • Refactored network code to a more modern library to give better control over uploads.
  • Improved handling of canceled sessions.
  • Improved rendering of long text strings in schematic captures.
  • NB: Xcode 11 is required to use the UXCam framework from 3.2.0 onwards.
V. 3.1.13
  • Fixed a problem with occlusion rects on certain devices 🪲.
  • Removed some debug events that were being added to some timelines.
V. 3.1.12
  • Reduced Podspec minimum iOS version back to 9.0, but UXCam will not record sessions on iOS 9 devices, iOS 10 required for session recording.
V. 3.1.11
  • Fixed a problem with empty text strings in the schematic rendering 🪲.
  • Contents of UITextField and UITextView now captured on schematic recordings to match native recording.
December 20, 2019 V. 3.1.10
  • Fixed alignment of text in schematic keyboard view 🪲.
  • Improved schematic rendering for clipToBounds views and attributed text.
  • Fix a problem with rendering system fonts in schematic views on iOS13 🪲.
  • Performance improvements for schematic rendering.
  • Implemented 'upload data only' for mobile networks - ready for backend support.
V. 3.1.9
  • Improved react-native schematic rendering.
  • Improved handling of very short sessions and rapid restart of session.
  • Restore screen name when a UIAlertController is dismissed.
  • Improved uploading of large batches of sessions.
  • Right to left text alignment handling.
November 08, 2019 V. 3.1.8
  • Extra precautions when generating JSON to handle bad values.
V. 3.1.7
  • Added 'application not responding' (UI Freeze) monitoring.
  • Fix a problem where some recording settings were ignored for offline sessions 🪲.
  • Limits on the number and size of events that can be added.
August 22, 2019 V. 3.1.5
  • Additional symbols from 3rd party libraries changed.
V. 3.1.4
  • Added API to create a list of screen names not to add to the timeline in automatic screen tagging mode.
V. 3.1.3
  • Added marker of keyboard location to the schematic recording.
  • Added an 'ultra low' video quality setting.
V. 3.1.2
  • Fix to mobile data upload limits 🪲.
  • Fix for symbol conflict in the internal copy of 3rd party library 🪲.
V. 3.1.1
  • Internal changes for performance and stability.
V. 3.1.0
  • Change screen capture to schematic capture process.
  • Opt-In changes to split out screen recording as a specific option - **screen recording off by default**.
  • Fix session video when starting up with an occluded screen 🪲.
  • Add reasons why screen video hasn't been recorded.
V. 3.0.6
  • Add `occludeSensitiveViewWithoutGesture` and `occludeSensitiveScreen:hideGestures:` API methods.
  • Adjust work queues for event capture.
  • Add nullable decoration to session and user URL methods.
  • Adjust some internal timers to handle external time changes.
  • Fix an orientation regression with sessions that start in landscape orientation 🪲.
November 20, 2018 V. 3.0.5
  • Stop recording gestures when screen recording is paused or full screen is occluded.
  • Fix an issue on the initial setup of data capture. 🪲.
V. 3.0.4
  • Improvements to filter handling when the account is low on sessions left to record.
V. 3.0.3
  • Fix a session management issue. 🪲.
V. 3.0.2
  • Workaround the iOS bug that causes excessive screen capture time on wide color devices. 🪲.
V. 3.0.1
  • Fixing some header file deprecations to avoid ambiguous method errors in Swift. 🪲.
  • Improved handling of devices with low levels of available storage.
V. 3.0.0
  • Extensive refactoring of the internals of the SDK to support new features.
  • Added session filters for the screen name, session duration, number of interactions.
  • Added support for offline session recording.
  • Added support for data-only sessions (screens visited, number of interactions, event timeline etc. without a screen video).
  • Re-factored the UXCam API on iOS and Android to be more similar and iOS to better conform with standard naming practices.
  • Re-factored the event recording system to include user and session events as well as general timeline events.
React Native

May 21, 2024
V. 5.4.16

  • Updated iOS version to 3.6.13 and Android version to 3.6.26

March 21, 2024
V. 5.4.15

  • Updated Android and iOS dependency to 3.6.23 and 3.6.11

  • Update Compile Version to 33
February 15, 2024 V. 5.4.14
  • Updated Android and iOS dependency to 3.6.21 and 3.6.9
  • fix: fatal exception on logging event with nested map as parameter on Android.
November 24, 2023 V. 5.4.13
  • Updated Android and iOS dependency
  • Updated minSdkVersion to 21 for Android
October 11, 2023 V. 5.4.12
  • Update Android and iOS dependency to 3.6.16 and 3.6.6
September 4, 2023 V. 5.4.11
  • Update Android and iOS dependency to 3.6.14 and 3.6.5
August 8, 2023 V. 5.4.10
  • Update Android and iOS dependency
June 29, 2023 V. 5.4.8
  • Update Android and iOS dependency
  • Update build gradle
June 15, 2023 V. 5.4.7
  • Updated iOS SDK version to 3.6.3 and Android SDK version to 3.6.7
May 5, 2023 V. 5.4.6
  • Updated iOS SDK version to 3.6.2 and Android SDK version to 3.6.4
February 9, 2023 V. 5.4.5
  • Feat: Increased version for release
December 14, 2022 V. 5.4.4
  • Feat: Increased version for release
  • Feat: MinSdkVersion to 19
  • Feat (version): Android SDK dependency to 3.5.2
  • Feat: Compatibility issue with react native 0.7
November 14, 2022 V. 5.4.3
  • Feat (version): Updated native android sdk dependency to 3.5.1
  • Feat (version): Update iOS version to 3.4.5
September 7, 2022 V. 5.4.2
  • Feat (version): Updated native android sdk dependency to 3.4.4
  • Feat (version): Update iOS version to 3.4.3
August 9, 2022 V. 5.4.1
  • Feat (version): Updated native android sdk dependency to 3.4.3
  • Feat: Update iOS version to 3.4.2
  • Fix: Webviews not being captured
June 27, 2022 V. 5.4.0
  • Update iOS and Android SDK to include configuration and occlusion changes
  • Supports app logs feature
  • Update iOS SDK to latest version that includes fixes for 4XX error and other minor bug fixes 🪲 [IMPORTANT]
  • Crash issue fixed while integrating video library
November 12, 2021 V. 5.3.4
  • Examples updated the latest react-native versions
  • Added Typescript example into this repo
  • iOS SDK 3.3.9, Android SDK 3.3.7
July 05, 2021 V. 5.3.3
  • iOS SDK updated to v3.3.5
  • Android SDK updated to v3.3.6
  • Interface to the missing method disableCrashHandling added
February 23, 2021 V. 5.3.2
  • Has API to handle react native gesture issue.
February 08, 2019 V. 5.0.1
  • SDK released to use Android v3.0.6 and iOS v3.0.6
November 02, 2018 V. 5.0.0
  • SDK released to use Android v3.0.4 and iOS v3.0.5.
Flutter June 28, 2024 V. 2.5.4
  • Update iOS version to 3.6.14 and Android version to 3.6.28
May 22, 2024 V. 2.5.3
  • Update iOS version to 3.6.13 and Android version to 3.6.26
March 20, 2024 V. 2.5.2
  • Update Android and iOS dependencies
Feb 9, 2024 V. 2.5.0
  • Update Android and iOS dependencies
  • Exception handling feature added
Dec 18, 2023 V. 2.4.7
  • Update Android and iOS dependencies
Sep 28, 2023 V. 2.4.6
  • Update Android and iOS dependencies to 3.6.15 and 3.6.6
Aug 30, 2023 V. 2.4.4
  • Update Android and iOS dependencies
  • Updated ios_deployment_target to 11.0
  • Updated polling time to 50ms
Aug 3, 2023 V. 2.4.3
  • Increase Android and iOS dependencies
June 19, 2023 V. 2.4.2
  • Increase Android dependency to 3.6.7
  • Increase iOS dependency to 3.6.3
May 31, 2023 V. 2.4.1
  • Increase Android dependency to 3.6.6
  • Solve linter issues
  • Updated dart ceil version support to 4.0.0
  • Removed deprecated references
May 5, 2023 V. 2.4.0
  • Increase iOS dependency to 3.6.2
  • Increase Android dependency to 3.6.4
  • Deprecate method `startWithKey` in favor of `startWithConfiguration`
  • Fixes for hardcoded PluginType in bridge code in flutter-plugin
  • Fix: Application is not building while creating a release build
April 11, 2023 V. 2.3.1
  • Increase iOS dependency to 3.6.0
  • Increase Android dependency to 3.6.3
  • Remove unnecessary log output
February 6, 2023 V. 2.3.0
  • Remove unwanted debugPrint
  • JsonArray import added
  • Import changes
  • Addition of Occlusion from Flutter Side
December 9, 2022 V. 2.2.2
  • Automatic screen tagging using observer
  • Updated native Android SDK dependency to 3.5.2
November 8, 2022 V. 2.2.1
  • Updated native Android SDK dependency to 3.5.0
  • Updated native iOS SDK dependency to 3.4.4
October 21, 2022 V. 2.2.0
  • Updated native Android SDK dependency to 3.5.1
  • Updated native iOS SDK dependency to 3.4.5
September 30, 2022 V. 2.1.5
  • Updated native android SDK dependency to 3.4.5
September 5, 2022 V. 2.1.4
  • Updated native android SDK dependency to 3.4.4
Aug 5, 2022 V. 2.1.2
  • Updated native android sdk dependency to 3.4.3
  • Update iOS version to 3.4.2
  • Fix: webview not being captured
May 10, 2022 V. 2.1.1
  • Fixed NPE on startWithConfiguration and occlusion API Android
  • User identity can be set to null in setUserIdentity method to remove previous set value
April 27, 2022 V. 2.1.0
  • iOS SDK updated to v 3.4.1 & Android SDK updated to v3.4.0
  • Contains iOS Fix for 4XX error fallback to offline session recordings 🪲 [IMPORTANT]
  • Start with configuration support
  • Blur/Occlusion support
  • Supports app logs
  • Fixed an issue where calling manually uploading session before optOutOverall would cancel current session 🪲
July 05, 2021 V. 2.0.0
  • Added support for null-safety
January 13, 2021 V. 1.3.1
  • iOS SDK updated to 3.3.1 and android to 3.3.5
  • Added setPushNotificationToken and reportBugEvent APIs
January 25, 2019 V. 1.0.0
  • flutter_uxcam v1.0.0 with Android SDK v3.0.6 and iOS SDK v3.0.6 has been published to Flutter package repository.
Cordova June 28, 2023 V. 3.6.3
  • Updated iOS dependency to 3.6.14
  • Updated Android dependency to 3.6.24
October 18th, 2023 V. 3.6.2
  • Updated iOS dependency to 3.6.6
  • Updated Android dependency to 3.6.16
July 6, 2023 V. 3.6.1
  • Updated iOS dependency to 3.6.4
May 12, 2023 V. 3.6.0
  • Updated iOS dependency to 3.6.2
  • Updated Android dependency to 3.6.4
December 29, 2022 V. 3.5.2
  • UXCam session URL is returned after successful start on Android platform (Already available on iOS)
  • Fixed issue related to occlusion flickering on custom webview (iOS)
  • Fixed text fields not occluding properly (iOS)
  • Fixed memory level crash issue while recording video (iOS)
  • Updated Android SDK to 3.5.2 and iOS SDK to 3.5.1
September 15, 2022 V. 3.5.1
  • iOS SDK updated to v3.4.3
  • Android SDK updated to v3.4.4
  • New: startup process using configuration
  • New: option to enable hardware layer screen recording using PixelCopy
  • New: User tag validation to 255 characters
  • New: optimized screen video recording for emulators above Android 6.0.
  • Performance: Decreased the use of main by the SDK on a cold start of the app.
  • Improved Text field and Password field auto detection and occlusion
  • New: Screen level control for OccludeAllTextFields
  • Fix: Null pointer issue on occlusion application (Android) 🪲 [IMPORTANT]
  • Supports app logs
  • Blur/Occlusion support and Blur performance improvements
November 2, 2021 V. 3.4.3
  • iOS SDK updated to v3.3.9
  • Android SDK updated to v3.3.7
February 24, 2021 V. 3.4.2
  • iOS SDK updated to v3.3.3.
  • Capacitor project build issue in Android has been fixed. 🪲
January 13, 2021 V. 3.4.1
  • iOS SDK updated to 3.3.1 and android to 3.3.5
  • Added setPushNotificationToken and reportBugEvent APIs
February 05, 2019 V. 3.0.2
  • Cordova v3.0.2 with Android SDK v3.0.6 and iOS SDK v3.0.6 has been published to npm repository.
November 30, 2018 V. 3.0.1
  • Cordova v3.0.1 with Android SDK v3.0.4 and iOS SDK v3.0.5 has been published to npm repository
November 02, 2018 V. 3.0.1
  • SDK released to use Android v3.0.3 and iOS v3.0.5.
Xamarin December 12, 2023 V. 3.5.1
  • Android SDK updated to v 3.6.18
  • iOS SDK updated to v 3.6.7
June 1, 2023 V. 3.5.0
  • Android SDK updated to v 3.6.6
  • iOS SDK updated to v 3.6.2
Sept 12, 2022 V. 3.4.2
  • Android SDK updated to v 3.4.4
  • Fix: Null pointer issue on occlusion application. 🪲 [IMPORTANT]
  • New: Screen level control for OccludeAllTextFields
Aug 11, 2022 V. 3.4.1
  • iOS SDK updated to v 3.4.2
  • Android SDK updated to v 3.4.3
Jun 17, 2022 V. 3.3.0
  • iOS SDK updated to v 3.4.1 and Android SDK updated to v3.4.1 to include configuration and occlusion changes
  • Update iOS SDK to latest version that includes fixes for 4XX error and other minor bug fixes
February 06, 2019 V. 3.0.5
  • SDK was released to use Android v3.0.6 and iOS v3.0.6 and published on Xamarin Nuget library.
January 09, 2019 V. 3.0.4
  • SDK released to use iOS v3.0.6 Beta 9 and published on Xamarin Nuget library.
  • Added "occludeSensitiveViewWithoutGesture" API method which hides gestures in occluded view and screen.
December 12, 2018 V. 3.0.3
  • SDK released to use Android v3.0.5 and published on Xamarin Nuget library.
December 06, 2018 V. 3.0.2
  • SDK released to use Android v3.0.4 and iOS v3.0.5 and published on Xamarin Nuget library.
November 02, 2018 V. 3.0.0
  • SDK released to use Android v3.0.1 and iOS v3.0.3.
Nativescript July 13, 2023 V. 1.0.2
  • fix(core): Error while sending Events
  • iOS SDK version updated to 3.6.4
  • Android SDK version updated to 3.6.10