UXCam iOS SDK Installation & Quick Start

pod version

By default, we generate a schematic representation on the iOS apps to visualize in-app behavior, without recording the app’s screen. The reason we do this is to comply with Apple's guidelines. You can find more information about this here.


Minimum iOS version updates:

From v3.6.11, minimum iOS version that we support is iOS 12 and Xcode 14.3.1


Apple's App Privacy Details Disclosure:

Starting May 1, 2024, Apple has made it compulsory for every SDK developers to show the private data captured in their SDK in a separate file named "Privacy Manifest File". (more info)

From UXCam SDK version 3.6.11 onwards, you will be able to see the included PrivacyInfo.xprivacy file containing the necessary information on captured data, which you can also check here

SDK Integration

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

If the integration is being made with SPM (Swift Package Manager), please integrate UXCam with the following:

<p align="center" style="font-size: 13px">Specify the ‘Exact version’ 3.5.0 <br/> URL:

Specify the ‘Exact version’



You’ll need to have CocoaPods installed. If you haven’t already, see this page for installation details. If this is your first pod, run pod init to create the Podfile

  • Add to the Podfile
pod 'UXCam', "~> x.x.x"
  • Run pod install in the project directory to download dependency.

Imports and Initialization

  • Import UXCam header at the top of your AppDelegate
import UXCam
#import <UXCam/UXCam.h>

Add these calls at the first line of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.

Your app-key is available on the dashboard

  • Create a configuration object
let configuration = UXCamConfiguration(appKey: "YourAppKey")
UXCamConfiguration *configuration = [[UXCamConfiguration alloc] initWithAppKey:@"YourAppKey"];

If you want to, you can set some options when creating the configuration object, like enabling or disabling the automatic screen tagging, advanced gestures, crash handling or network logging.

To view their definitions, check below

  • Then, start the SDK with your configuration object
UXCam.start(with: configuration)
[UXCam optIntoSchematicRecordings];
[UXCam startWithConfiguration: configuration];

Available Configuration Options:

Used to disable automatic screen tagging if manual tagging of the screens will be done, default is true

Control the gesture recognizers used by UXCam. Set TRUE to enable the full range of gesture recognizers (the default) or FALSE to limit it to basic gestures.

Crash handling is enabled by default, to let you capture all the sessions with crashes and see the corresponding crash logs.

Enable or disable capturing logs. If FALSE, UXCam will not capture any network logs until it is set to TRUE again.


That completes the integration process.
Your session will be shown on the dashboard within a few seconds after the app goes in the background.
You can optionally use the API's for customizations such as identifying users from your database with UXCam, tagging sessions or hiding sensitive views.


Important: Based on the SDK version you will require a certain XCode version. See more.


SDK Updates

To check all the information on the fixes and improvements on the latest versions of the SDK, please visit this page.

Video Tutorial

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