

This documentation will guide you through the process of integrating the Web SDK into your website. The SDK allows for tracking user events, setting user identities, page views, and configuring user properties, with additional options for occlusion of sensitive data in URLs and query parameters.


To integrate the Web SDK, include the following script in your HTML file before the closing tag:


Add Your App Key

Don't forget to change the snippet to include your app key, located in your dashboard. Simply replace 'Your_App_Key' at the bottom of this snippet with your own.

<script type="text/javascript" defer="">
(function(appKey, opts) {
    window.uxc = {
        __t: [],
        __ak: appKey,
        __o: opts,
        event: function(n, p) {
            this.__t.push(['event', n, p]);
        setUserIdentity: function(i) {
            this.__t.push(['setUserIdentity', i]);
        setUserProperty: function(k, v) {
            this.__t.push(['setUserProperty', k, v]);
        setUserProperties: function(p) {
            this.__t.push(['setUserProperties', p]);
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.src = '//';
    script.async = true;
    script.defer = true; = 'uxcam-web-sdk';
    script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
})('Your_App_Key', {}); 


Please note

You will need to integrate this script in all of your HTML elements in order to get the session recording of your entire website.

Example of supported technologies: Basic web (HTML, CSS and Javascript), React.js, Angular, Vue.js, Next.Js

Example of supported CMS: Wordpress, Shopify and Magento

What is Captured by Default

Default Events

By default, the following events are captured:

  • uxc_input: Triggered when an input loses focus after it has been modified.
  • uxc_submit: Triggered when a form is submitted.
  • uxc_u_turn: Triggered when a user goes back to the same page. The event is triggered on the page they went back to.
    Example: If a user navigates Home > About Us > Home, it will be triggered on Home.
  • uxc_page_refresh: Triggered when refreshing the page.

Default Occlusion

Inputs will be occluded by default if they meet any of the following criteria:

Input TypesInput Names ContainingAutocomplete Properties Containing



Occluded input field texts are replaced by asterisks **
Occluded input field numbers are replaced by 0000

Configuration Options

The SDK can be configured with optional parameters. The configuration object (opts) supports the following options:


Define the version of your application.

{ appVersion: '1.0.0' }


Enables occlusion of sensitive data in URLs and query parameters.

  • Occluding Query Parameters
    Query parameters to be occluded should be listed under queryParams.
occlusion: {  
  queryParams: ['product', 'userId']  

// Example  
// Input:  
// Output:
  • Occluding URLs
    A custom function can be used to occlude parts of the URL before the query parameters.
occlusion: {  
  url: function(url) {  
    // Custom logic to modify the URL  
    return url.replace(/\/invite\/\\w+/, '/invite/:inviteId');  
// Example  
// Input:  
// Output:


The SDK provides methods to log events and set user properties.

Logging an Event

uxc.event(eventName, properties)

Logs an event.

  • eventName (string): The name of the event.
  • properties (object, optional): A JSON object with event properties.
uxc.event("your_amazing_event", { key: "value" });

<button id="mybtn">Click me</button>

const button = document.querySelector('#mybtn');
button.addEventListener('click', () => uxc.event("your_amazing_event", { key: "value" });

Setting User Identity


Sets the user identity.

  • userId (string): The unique identifier for the user.

Setting a Single User Property

uxc.setUserProperty(key, value)

Sets a single user property.

  • key (string): The property name.
  • value (any JSON valid value): The property value.
uxc.setUserProperty("age", 30);

Setting Multiple User Properties


Sets multiple user properties.

  • properties (object): A JSON object where each key-value pair represents a user property.
uxc.setUserProperties({ name: "John", age: 30 });

Example Initialization with Configuration

Here is an example of initializing the SDK with an application version and occlusion settings:

<script type="text/javascript" defer="">
(function(appKey, opts) {
    window.uxc = {
        __t: [],
        __ak: appKey,
        __o: opts,
        event: function(n, p) {
            this.__t.push(['event', n, p]);
        setUserIdentity: function(i) {
            this.__t.push(['setUserIdentity', i]);
        setUserProperty: function(k, v) {
            this.__t.push(['setUserProperty', k, v]);
        setUserProperties: function(p) {
            this.__t.push(['setUserProperties', p]);
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.src = '//';
    script.async = true;
    script.defer = true; = 'uxcam-web-sdk';
    script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
})('APP_KEY', {
    appVersion: '1.0.0',
    occlusion: {
        queryParams: ['product', 'userId'],
        url: function(url) {
            // Custom URL occlusion logic
            return url.replace(/\/invite\/\w+/, '/invite/:inviteId');

Occlusion of HTML Elements

To occlude specific HTML elements, add the attribute data-uxc="obfuscated" to the elements you want to occlude.

<div data-uxc="obfuscated">Sensitive Content</div>


This concludes the documentation for integrating the Web SDK. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact [email protected].