Welcome to the UXCam Developer Center

Get started with integrating, instrumenting and getting the most out of UXCam.
Use this documentation to simplify product analytics for your organization.

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Getting started

UXCam takes the complexity out of product analytics. Get started in minutes. Our step-by-step guides cover Android, iOS, React Native, Flutter, and more. Pick your platform, follow the integration steps, and start understanding your users better.

The basics

Set your team up for success by implementing key use cases, from activation to conversion. To get insights out of session replays and heatmaps, tag screens, set events and custom user properties.

Privacy by design

Protect user data without compromising user behavior insights. Our flexible occlusion masks sensitive information while still capturing valuable interaction patterns, gestures, and user flows.

Choose your framework

UXCam makes it incredibly easy to gain powerful insights into your app's user experience with just a few lines of code.
Choose your framework below, and see how quickly you can get started!

Choose Your Framework!